I Was Scammed Series Released
If you, like the rest of America, watched The Tinder Swindler, then you have probably come to the same terrifying reaction: is this how easy it is to be scammed? Gini Graham Scott, America’s scam expert, was watching too, but she wasn’t surprised because she knows all about common scams just like Simon Leviev’s.

What Can Law Enforcement Do About Scams?
What should law enforcement be doing about all the scams out there? I began thinking about this as I researched the number of scams that have occurred in virtually all industries — 4.8 million scams in the U.S. in 2020 alone according to a report in Bloomberg Businessweek in July. No wonder law enforcement can do little except take a report, because they are swamped!
Dan Janal Podcast Interview with Gini Graham Scott
Gini Graham-Scott, author of “the Big Con” and “I was Scammed” talks with Dan Janal about how to spot a scam and how to avoid being scammed on this episode: The “Make My Book A Movie Scam” All Authors Need to Know About

Using Songs to Share Ideas or Gain Support
Many songs are just for listening, having fun, and dancing. But many songs which tell a story or have a message can be used to share ideas or gain support, such as in support groups or in counseling.
In that case, the incidents in the story or the ideas in the song can lead to further discussion or healing. Here’s how that might work. I have used one of my songs about a breakup in love to illustrate.